Now What? Next! Acceptance, Courage, Wisdom, Pumpkin Pie
So, quick recap: got “good” divorced, got 3 kittens, got real sick, recovered-ish, got real depressed, got help, feeling better; Now what? Next!
Next is, I walk with grace and ease into this new chapter, like the sun rising in the morning, naturally, without struggle, fear, or doubt, protected and guided by pure source energy.
It Could Happen!
Jule says I should milk the sympathy for being in the shitter a little longer but truth is I’m on the upswing today. I did all the things and they are working. The reach outs and love helped more than you know, thanks. Now, back to this divine guidance stuff, if you want to call it that:
I’m open to the possibility that the next incarnation could emerge without struggle or effort if I pay attention to what’s lighting me up and what’s not; what feels comfy and kind and warm and what doesn’t; and continue to watch for serenity prayer bungles.
The serenity prayer, you’ll recall:
Gd grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can, and
the wisdom to know the difference.
For me, it’s a recipe for right action, for healthy kindness to self and others. If I accept the is-ness of my own ever-changing capacity then I won’t overdo in an effort to be different or better than I am, with now predictably unwanted consequences — burnout, sadness, irritability, and risk of external manifestations of internal dis-eased states, ie: being mopey, bitchy, kvetchy, or all three, to others which no one needs or wants, especially not me.
Plus, risk of over (or under) eating, exercising, sleeping, spending, and all kinds of other “maladaptive” choices and options … which BTW I HAVEN’T DONE any of! Because self-care, yo. Plus program, winky face. (I did have this fantastic pumpkin pie last night but it was served to me, I did not buy it and also, it was gluten-free ie: basically a fruit. Or veg. But also, let that be my worst oops this season.)
Back to acceptance magic: If I accept the is-ness of other people, then I can love them without needing to try to change them. That’s what I want from them for myself, to be loved for who I am, which is a person who needs the right care & feeding for optimal performance. An adult person who gets to ensure she is getting that for herself, who chooses that for herself, who honors others choosing that for themselves.
And so I get to practice supporting that with the people around me, letting them do what’s best for themselves and forgiving them - I mean loving them - for their is-ness, for their choices, even the ones I don’t like. Celebrating them being themselves, doing what they need to do for themselves, doing the best they can, just like I am.
I’ve known about, I’ve noticed, my thought and behavior patterns that don’t help me do a good job of showing up in the world as an agent of acceptance, love, and peace. Sleep, hydration, routine, all the things.
This season I’m mustering the courage to change: to stick with what works, change what doesn’t, take care of self so I can be with, be there for others who want what I can offer from a filled up, generous, contented place. I’m gonna keep going.
p.s. I have bandwidth for brainstorming and troubleshooting or just listening to you talk about your messy head and life — hit me up before I need you to help me with mine again.