Trudging Towards Light/Investing in Me

Here are the things I’ve done to trudge towards the light the past few days that I wasn’t willing to do before I found myself in the dark hole:

  • came out as low to closest friends and fam; listened;

  • invested $ to get meds checked/adjusted by actual psychiatrist (super didn’t want to but oh look, smiling again, yay);

  • stopped going to fitness Bootcamp which was supposed to be not harsh but for me still was harsh;

  • invested $ to return to my old yoga studio - and did a bunch of laying around, but, also some moving, and also seeing people who I forgot I knew and like;

  • invested $ to return to PT for this chronic recurring left side/foot thing;

  • invested $ to return to chiro for same issue;

  • invested $ in returning to Trish, my longtime therapist;

  • invested $ in coffee dates with friendlies;

  • said No to stuff I know is not good for me right now even though it’s disappointing people I love and also the me who wishes I were sturdier/different than I am;

  • said Yes to an evening gather giving myself total permission to “show and go”  then wound up having an actual good time (#miracle) talking to a stranger about their shadow work;

  • received the love that came my way after coming out as low low (thanks peeps!);

  • decided that addressing post-divorce fear by cutting out maintenance and pleasure is not the right play right now;

  • decided to forgive myself and everyone else for everything;

  • decided to give myself until January 15 (random) before taking on any new big initiatives;

  • decided, once again: I’m gonna keep going!

p.s. Thank you to all the trained heavy lifters, the professional and amateur big guns of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Sascha Liebowitz