I Made Soup!
So, first of all, I look forward to receiving your congratulations and accolades for my recent foray into soup-making (actual real life recipe to come). My mother, a renowned albeit late-ish blooming soup-maker extraordinaire has been brilliantly channeling her post-election-itis/excess bandwidth into making soups.
The other day I made the mistake of telling her perhaps she would need to find other mouths to feed as Ax and I could not consume the sheer quantities of soup being produced. Bad move, me.
In an unprecedented show of healthy boundaries she cut off the mom soup spigot! (Perhaps the fact that Ax is with his father this week is also affecting her enthusiasm for bringing me soup, since Ax is always vocal with the compliments to the chef and, at thirteen, has a pleasingly endless appetite.) But I digress.
The point, or one point, is that while I am fortunate to have an actual mother who has brought and hopefully will again bring me soup in the future, I am capable of making my own soup for my own self. And after several days of kid-free bachelorette-type fruit and yogurt dinners I decided to do just that.
How’d I do it? First, I went to the store. I bought celery, carrots, onion, zucchini, a white sweet potato (yam?), a can of cannellini beans, a packet of frozen corn and frozen peas, and a bunch of pre-made chicken broth. I felt almost certain I had bay leaf at home.
I went home, cut up all the veggies, put the onion, celery, and carrot in a big pot and sautéed them around. Then I added the zucchini, potato, and bay leaf; Then the broth.
I boiled it up, then turned it down to simmer for an hour-ish, which is when I should have added the peas and corn, but I forgot to. Then I ate it, and it was good.
If I were feeding Ax I’d add pasta or more beans. Kiki adds these mini spinach ravioltini from Trader Joe’s specifically for him, but I’ll let that be her thing.
Meanwhile, I don’t remember the last time I cooked something just for myself other than toast and eggs and it felt like a step in the right direction. I’m gonna keep going.
Got (easy) go-to recipes? Please share!!!