Well-er than Ever/Snack Nap Magic

I called Charlene: “I’m just miserable with everything. I don’t know what’s wrong. I need to move to Bali, lose 15 pounds, and sell a bestseller that also achieves world peace, like, today.”

“Huh,” she said, “last week you were feeling really fulfilled and content?”

“I was?” I said.

“Yeah, remember you were like, ‘I love my life!’”

“Oh yeah, I forgot,” I said, chuckling, but also, still miserable.

I really had forgotten. It felt like I’d been blue for months, maybe years, and it would never end without a radical life change, maybe a miracle, neither of which seemed remotely feasible.

I hung up, ate lunch, took a nap, and woke up smiling, content with my residence, thinner, and pleased with hobby blogging.

Thank goodness I have friends like Charlene who remind me that how I feel on Thursday isn’t how I felt on Wednesday and probably won’t be how I feel on Friday! And thank goodness I’ve learned to pick up the phone. I’m gonna keep going.


Sascha Liebowitz