Inside/Outside/It’s Working
For most of my life I’ve looked for outside solutions to feel better. Outside solutions are things like, more money, a cuter boyfriend, swankier home, cooler friends, family, work, hair, having various body parts be smaller, larger, or more or less shapely, and, my favorite, better black leggings and/or moving to Bali.
For the past ten years or so I’ve been guided to focus more intensely on the inside part of the feeling better equation — changing my thoughts and my actions to promote more positive emotions and attitudes, align with higher frequencies or source, if you will.
I’ve been getting neuroscientific but also, spiritual-ish, on how I filter this existence and what I put forth into the world. It’s working.
Today, I’m realizing - holy crap (pun intended) - it’s another one of those both/and things. But also, not a both/and because like brain/body vs. mindbody what I used to think of as kind of a 2-front war — the outside stuff plus also getting my vibe all upleveled, is actually A) not a war, and B) there are no fronts, or backs, or sides.
I’m not at war with my feelings and emotions, even the ones that displease me. They are useful signals, guides, that perhaps something needs changing — internal, external, mindbody, whatever. To move into this life I have now, which is a life I love, I’ve needed help from all kinds of people wearing all kinds of hats because I didn’t register my own signals accurately, or when I did, I overrode them.
I’m much better at knowing myself, and being myself in the world, than I’ve ever been, and I anticipate getting even better at it. I’m gonna keep going.
P.S. If you’d like help with internal or external stuff (or both!) please call me for a free, no strings attached chat.