Eyes Open, Heart Open, Feet on the Ground

So today will be a climb, if I’m honest about what I want to do.  If I’m not honest I’ll let myself “off the hook” and take it easier today than is necessary to achieve the results I want.  

In some ways, telling you that feels slightly “off brand” — for several years the song I’ve been singing, the preach I’ve been preaching, for myself, within earshot of you, has been focused on reducing the friction, lowering the expectations (adjusting them), ratcheting down the desires for external markers of traditional success and achievement in order to prioritize what for me has been more meaningful pursuits - family, relationships, mental physical emotional spiritual health and well-being.

And now some something inside has said, “it’s time to climb again.”  A very different hill or mountain than I would have selected in a previous incarnation, but a hill nonetheless.  And it’s been a while.  

And so I remember, here’s how I do this digging in thing and okay I can do this effort thing without the wheels coming off.  I get to figure this out like a baby on new legs learning to walk.  Not elegant, but amazing and beautiful all the same.  

Where is the place of power and ease — before the burn, before the redline?  Can I be in it, in this project, while tending barking puppy, zooming child, house-bound husband, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all the stuff it takes to maintain this more open, more joyful way of being?

One foot in front of the other, repeat.  Eyes open, heart open, feet on the ground.  I’m gonna keep going. 



Keep Breathing In amd Out

Sascha Liebowitz