Kelp Noodles, Side of Fries

I have enough, I do enough, I am enough.  The cool kids eat when hungry, sleep when tired.  And I get to be a cool kid today, taking care of myself as I am, right-sizing my expectations for myself and others, and - for extra bonus points - feeling grateful, amazed, awe-struck even, by the fact that here I am, here we are, still going.  Even after this, that, the other thing.  Holy moly.  I’m alive, my kid is alive, my dog is alive, my family seems to like me, I have a home.  

This is all really great news.  These are awesome stats. Also, I know what I’m having for lunch today, I’ve got it planned out.  It involves kelp noodles which I love and they’re tasty and filling and healthy and plant-based and it’s gonna feel good in my body afterwards.  

Because what happens sometimes is I wait to get hungry and I don’t notice I’m hungry until I’m really hungry and then if I start trying to figure out lunch then I get panicky and desperate to feel better and I make bad choices.  And it’s incredible how long I’ve known that I am one of those people who does like a tasty, healthy lunch and feels better with a tasty, healthy lunch and yet so many days lunch catches me off guard.  Like, “woah what wait - what’s happening?!?! That’s today too?”

I’m aware that there are people who may live fulfilling, happy, lives without lunch or with, like, side salad or an apple for lunch, or something like that.  And then maybe there are people who chow down on fat, salt, sugar bombs at lunch and can still get through the day okay.  That ain’t me. 

So I get to notice what works for me and do some daily tasks to take care of myself as I am - a tasty, veggie-heavy lunch person - or fight that reality and see what happens —  suboptimal moods, thoughts, actions.  French fries with a side of regret.  Blech. 

So today I get to get ahead of that stuff, tend and all that, and then ya, feel better, do better, repeat.  And I get to have French fries if I want them, when I want them, and revel in them - like tasty, hot, fresh, with intention and all the right condiments rather than in an oops-so-that-happened-did-I-even-taste-them kinda way.  That’s how I like it, and I get to live how I like it today.  So cool!!!! I’m gonna keep going. 

Sascha Liebowitz