Joy Hack
The default rhythm of urgency coming from my brain is an obstacle to joy. I figured that out by watching my obsessions come and go without acting on them.
Here are the things that felt pretty strongly like must-do’s in the past few days, that I didn’t do, and the world has not ended and all is well: get new sweatpants, declutter my room, Ax’s room, the kitchen, get another puppy, get another kitten, get fit, start juicing again, make a meal plan, plan a trip for post-Covid, move to a house somewhere cheaper, or bigger, or closer to family, create online “offerings,” write more, get back to yoga, get back to rowing, get back to dressing, improve Ax, Mike, my other loved ones, in various ways.
Having Brownie in the cone has been helpful. Keeping her peaceful and occupied without undue strain has been a worthy, constant, quiet, task. It’s revealed a different rhythm available, one of patience, being-ness, peace.
When I am peaceful, she’s more likely to be peaceful. When I’m agitated, she responds. And I don’t like it.
So my choice today is to dial it down, enjoy the inner quiet while going about doing what must be done and no more than that. What’s really necessary for today? I’m gonna keep going.
Ps. Brownie gets her cone off today!!!