Default to Ease
All this mind-body-soul stuff maybe is working. More and more I’m feeling that my default state of being is one of ease rather than churn, comfort rather than dissatisfaction. There’s a spacious, relaxed, cozy feeling in my body and my head that feels pleasant, unforced, natural. I like it.
Now sure, life crops up, health issues, scheduling snafus, political stuff, and I bite those hooks, I feel the hit, but then I relatively quickly notice the pain, the discomfort, and I let it go. AND, I take the action I can towards my desired outcome. Without the internal gripping, griping, drama.
I’m off the fretting thing, the worry thing, the indignation and fear thing. I don’t like feeling that way and (knock wood) it is becoming bizarrely apparent that I get to feel pretty okay, even wonderful, most of the time, given my life situation right now. I get to feel free and serene on the inside even when external situations are different from what I’d like them to be.
Regular readers may be able to tell how challenging it is for me to admit that I feel good. I’m what some might call happy. Yes there is stuff. And yet right now I’m warm in my home with puppy Brownie on my lap and the menfolk still asleep and a nice mug of coffee and a jar of celery juice (yes I’m back to that) beside me and all, in my minuscule orbit, is well. It’s chilly outside and I have a blanket on my lap. I didn’t want to write this but I wrote this and I’m glad I did. I’m lucky, I’m grateful, and I’m where I want to be. And I wish the same for you. I’m gonna keep going.