It’s Working

Everything is happening but somehow something else has been happening and it’s all just okay. I’m okay even though so much outside myself is not okay.  It might have to do with the re-booting my daily quiet sitting practice - just 5-10mins in the morning off my phone, letting “the cork float” as I’ve heard it described.  It’s reconnected me with the mental and physical vibe that feels really good.  And then that feel-good muscle, that pathway, that sensation, is more accessible throughout the day.

I used to be a sensory/intellectual backboard - stuff outside me would happen, and it would feel like getting hit with something that required an immediate reaction.  Now there’s more space to let things sit.  No bears chasing me, no wildfires about to engulf in this particular moment.  

I can assess, let the reactive thoughts pass, feel into what response makes the most sense for how I want to be and who I am.  I remember my commitment to live the way of patience, tolerance, kindness, and love for myself and others. I remember the purpose of my life is to increase joy and decrease suffering for myself and others.  

When I give myself space to feel into that, to get there, my daily life and my relationships become less worrisome, more expansive, and more joyful.  The bills, the laundry, the logistics of reducing virus risk feel smaller.  I can do the right thing and feel grateful for the choice rather than burdened.  I can breathe deeply again.  I’m gonna keep going.

I invite you to give the quiet sitting thing a whirl.  If you’re curious how to begin please message or call me.

Sascha Liebowitz