Embrace Winter/Love the Grey
I’m not Buddha. I have preferences, and I’m okay with that. But, I know that when I need or require things to be a certain way to feel okay, it’s a ticket to unease and misery. You’ve heard the phrase “attachment is the root of all suffering” — what I take it to mean is: When I get all, “unless this is this way I’m not okay” — that’s an attachment.
So I’ve realized I’ve got an attachment to being warm and having lots of sunshine. Which is good news, because it’s information about something standing in the way of my inner peace and wellbeing. This belief that I need that to be okay.
I’m willing to act as if, pretend, feel into what it would feel like to love the cold and the grey. I can see the way pretty clearly to converting Summer sun and warmth from a need to a preference, and then maybe, just maybe, once I do that, before the end of this season, I can move the needle even further and, as my friend RahRah suggested, “embrace Winter.” Brrr. I’m not there yet. I’m gonna keep going.