That Universal Love Thing/First things First

Just when I think I’ve really got this whole walking through life with loving kindness, grace, and ease something happens that pulls me out - that I allow to pull me out - and I experience some level of negative stress, physical discomfort, or emotional unrest that tells me - oh yeah, I’m still human.  Just in case I’d forgotten.  I’m human, not a saint, not an enlightened being, nothing more than a person having a human life that will end, I know not when.  

So these reminders, the disruptions, tell me I gotta — I get to — recommit to my priorities for how I want to show up for my time here.  And then I get to do what it takes to walk the walk, as best I can, one day at a time.  

It sounds so serious.  And part of me - a big part - would prefer to be able to be all moonbeams and chocolate ganache and fluffy puppies all the time.  My truth is that if my mind, body, soul aren’t tuned in to the love channel — I don’t really like any of that stuff — when I’m not okay on the inside, none of that outside stuff really works to get me there, to that okay place.  Or, upping the ante, that bliss place.  And that’s where I wanna be, most of the time, regardless of what’s going on, whether there’s  an abundance or shortage of the right kind of puppies with the right kind of fluffiness to please the smaller me that thinks that external stuff is the way in.

It’s not.  For me, the joy, the well-being, the vast regenerating love blanket that I get to be wrapped in if I turn my thoughts and actions that way over, and over, and over, is essential to enjoying the sweetness of the chocolate, the softness of the puppy, the people in my life, my situation, and all the stuff that’s supposed to be fun or not my flavor of fun.  

That comes first.  So I tune in, tap in, to the inner calm, that universal love thing, again, and again, and then I’m better able to show up how I want to show up for this life, my life.  I’m gonna keep going.

What do you call that vibe, channel, connection, feeling thingy? Seeking words.

Sascha Liebowitz