Bathing in Acceptance/Play Date with the Universe
Today I’m living like it’s a play date with g-d. Or the Universe or whatever you want to call it. Life force. Kind Auntie. Flow. Essence. That thing that is bigger than I am, stronger than I am, and wants the absolute very best for me, as I am, today, now. Kind Auntie energy wants me to have a fabulous day today. Even though all that stuff. That stuff that could, really could, if I let it, be a total downer.
And I could, I really could, blame myself for not tackling it better or more effectively, or for being grouchy about it, or maybe the opposite: For being too generous and overly-other-oriented about it. I could judge myself for being not needy enough! Not maintaining my boundaries and giving myself space and all that kind of thing.
But I’m just too busy for that today because I’m visiting with a friend, the Universe, and it’s not into that kind of unkind stuff. My friend wants me to remember that one option is to breathe, remember that I’m okay as I am right now, actually fabulous as I am right now, weird foot, bitchy back, eighteen pounds above my “goal weight,” prone to social anxiety and vanity, and and and.
The Universe thinks I’m awesome. It gazes upon me like a grandparent upon its first grand baby. Like I’m a miracle, a blessing, just showing up as I am, as is comfortable and fun for me, whatever that is today. Tomorrow could be different. Yesterday was too. But today, I’m shifting my perspective over to acceptance and bathing in that. I’m gonna keep going.