Embracing the Is-ness
So frequently, I approach life with the idea that my job is to improve things, in other words, to fix things with the noble intention of making them better. The challenge with that orientation is that it puts me on constant alert for problems and makes me irrelevant if there aren’t any. Like, if everything is just fine as it is, and I’m a fixer, what’s my use?
Being with the is-ness seems like a de-motion from Fixer of Everything. Then again, it’s a much more pleasant gig, and a more appropriate one for a person, like me, who isn’t actually Gd, and isn’t an expert at everyone and everything after all.
My is-ness is that I’m just a person, a person who has a lot of ideas about a lot of things, some of which some people like to hear, some of the time. And some of which no one wants or needs, ever. A lot of them. So. Humility.
Real humility requires me to focus that well-honed analytical mind on myself, my own life, and say, “What can I do better? How can I be better? A better version of myself? More loving, more fulfilled, more fully-expressed, more part of the solution, more in the flow?” And I know it when I feel it, that I’m on the right track, for me, that moment.
And then, make a plan to, bit-by-bit, move in those directions. And implement the plan, bit-by-bit. And revise the plan if it’s not working. So far, so good. I’m gonna keep going.