Thanksgiving - Out, Hanukkah, Christmas, Solstice, New Years, Valentine’s Day - On Deck

We’re in the belly of it now.  The holiday season is in full swing and I’ve purchased a couple of things despite my pledge to purchase nothing: a kitchen aid stand mixer, and a hypervolt muscle massager, both “for the whole family” type gifts.  

I have a list of books for Ax and he’ll also get some legos.  We’re not that gifty.  

I have a couple of nephews who are pretty young who we’ll get token gifts for, and then we don’t do gifts for adults particularly. 

Mike got me — FYI Mike we’re good — a 20-class yoga series and I have my eye on a new pair of black leggings.  Maybe.

I’m also giving him permission to get another Dead & Company hoodie at one of the shows he’s going to.  And full access to the family stand mixer and hypervolt.  

So.  Today I’ll bring our mismatched cloth napkins and forks to Ax’s class party to make a dent in the  disposable waste.  I’ll help collect jackets for the coat swap at school and transport coats to the donation site.  I’ll follow-up on getting worms for our compost bin to reduce our food waste footprint and feel grateful that these are the things on my mind today.  

We are healthy, we are fed, we are warm, we are together, and I am trying to be of service, in small ways, which are good enough for today.  I am good enough for today.  I’m gonna keep going.

Sascha Liebowitz