Flawed as F-ck

I love you so much and I also love me.  So I’m going to protect the eff out of my dance space — not from you, it’s not your fault, but from me and that weird wanting wanting wanting so much better for you, wanting to help you or to do better for you, to be better for you, or different.  Or just. A. Bit. More. Something.

Big Reveal: I’m done, done-done done with that.  It perhaps lands as disappointing.  And I am sorry if you’re disappointed, that’s a choice you have.  There are other choices.

And hey, guess what?  I’ve been disappointed too! Disappointed with myself and - gulp - with you.  

And that’s helped absolutely zero.  Zero.  So I’m gonna take you for who you are, how you are, and how you do you.  And I’m gonna even love you as you are.  Flawed as f-ck.  

And I’m gonna take me that way too.  I’m flawed as f-ck too.  And I do my best.  This is what my best looks like, today.  

And I’m gonna dance my imperfect dance, boldly, joyously, and shamelessly — This is me!  This is how I do me! Whooo effing hooo!  I do enough, I have enough, I am enough.  I’m gonna keep going.


Sascha Liebowitz