Big Comeback: Clean the Cat Box, Make Tortelini, Breathe
I feel much much better after 5 days of antibiotics and 3 of steroids. That said, I’ve been waiting to feel All the Way better before posting because I really really, after that kinda outta yuck yuck sad sick post, I really really wanna show up here and be all, “I’m Baaaack!!!!” Like, party time, excellent!!! Life Rules! Arrrrr!!!!
BUT, as the fates would have it, my theoretical idea of how my recovery should progress and the actual true reality of how my recovery is progressing are not the same. So. I’m back. Ish.
I’m tired. I’m still coughing, a lot. My doc says I’m not contagious but I sure sound contagious. Hoarse, stuffy. So in a community of older folks and uptight folks and post-covid careful folks, it’s not super-awesome to show up in public hoarse and coughing — even though, even though my doc assures me there is No Way I’m contagious. Did I mention I’m not contagious?
So there’s another chewable - perception vs. reality - if I’m not contagious but I sure look contagious what is the appropriate, kind, loving thing to do — for myself, who’s ready to be back in the world after 2+ weeks under wraps, and for others, who are hyperaware of health threats?
It’s another one of these annoying not black/white situations. All of it. Being better, but not better better. Having energy, but actually not all I want. So, I can fight reality and feel pissed off, sad, discontent, or I can go with reality and value myself and others to take it easy just a little while longer perhaps. (Ark!)
Stay home, walk the dog, clean the kittens’ litter box, make the kid tortellini, nap, breathe. Thank gd for this life. I’m gonna keep going.