Lucky, Misty, Tiger, & Brownie

Once again, Ax’s persistent commitment to the names of his pets has prevailed. The dems have a new nominee and our kittens’ naming journey is concluded. Certainty is welcome,  the wait is over.

Tabby, aka Tabitha, Rose, Juliet, Bella, and Frisky will be Tiger.  She is both the most adventurous and the most likely to be sleeping alone curled up somewhere soft and sunny.  An odd-seeming dichotomy but it makes sense: She is a sleep hard, play hard girl, with an independent streak that shows in her desire to have her food bowl further from the other 2, her willingness to be first to chart new territory under sofas and into drawers and cabinets, and her lackluster/belated greetings.

Grey, aka: The Grey One, Dusk, Cloud, Mystic, Missy, is Misty. She is extremely good looking, neither as independent nor as needy as the other two. She’s game to snuggle, play, eat, or explore as appropriate to the situation. She seems to have forged the best relationship with Brownie the pup thus far, enjoying the I-touch-your-paw-you-touch-my-paw-game with enthusiasm. According to my mother Kiki, Misty has “almost” climbed aboard Brownie for a ride. Kiki is a known exaggerator however and neither Ax nor I have witnessed such an attempt.  I believe that Kiki believes she has seen this inter-species love. Nuff said.

Black, aka: Onyx, Beyonce, Madonna, Princess, Juliet, Lucinda, Lucretia, Meowzer, is Lucky (under protest). She easily could have been Midnight or Magic.

Ax thinks naming a black cat Lucky is fantastic. I think it’s tempting fate and I’m already throwing salt over my left shoulder and praying for Lucky’s well-being. She is the smallest, the loudest, the neediest, and the first to come running for human contact. She likes Brownie okay, but is also the most likely to hiss at her for existing. Brownie seems untroubled by it. Makes sense since the two of them are frequently in close contact vying for lap time, VIP bed position, and first pats upon my homecoming.

For example, door opens, Brownie is already standing there, Lucky comes running, I walk in, Brownie follows me wiggling her entire body. Lucky meow meow meows while slithering in for physical contact, Brownie’s ongoing enthusiasm annoys her, she hisses, Brownie backs off, just enough to let her in, then the two of them get pats and love, together. Then Misty comes and joins in. Then I look around for Tiger and she’s watching the scene, nonplussed.

There is a lot of love in this house, and that’s what I wanted. Also a lot of feeding and litter box cleaning, the price of love. I’m gonna keep going.

Sascha Liebowitz