More Travel, Less Leggings
We haven’t left and I’m planning my next trip back. One thing I’ve learned is I needed much less stuff than even the minimal stuff I brought. Next time it will be only: 3 Black dresses, 2 shorts, 1 long sleeve, sandals, sneakers, hat, sunglasses, bag. No leggings, no tanks, no linen shirt just in case for Ax. (He didn’t wear it, even the night we went to my mom’s fancy friends’ house for dinner. They doted on him anyway. And he laid down a manners game he must have learned on YouTube: “This is delicious” “so nice to meet you” “thank you for this lovely meal!” — who is this kid? Best part, he meant it. He served up American Charm in a U2 T-shirt. I was a proud mama. Though I still think the blue linen looks incredible on him, I’d rather be happy than right.)
So. Other lessons: Vacation is Good. I get a lot of aspirational pretirement slacker follow your dreams type stuff in my feed, and know quite a few actual nomad types, but no matter how untethered they try to be, it seems like everyone’s day life has … stuff. Bills, relationships, routines, maintenance issues, fixing issues, that can be pleasant enough in the right mindset, but can never re-set the way actually going away from day-to-day does.
I’ve been dreaming for years of moving somewhere more magical than wherever I was — Greece, Bali, Costa Rica, Portugal, to name a few. But when I talk to people who’ve done that, it turns out I prefer where I live now for my day life. At least for now. That said, momlife and a pandemic have kept me away from travel for just, like, a trip, for a long long time. Other than for visiting family and work this year is the first year I’ve ventured out of Cali for I don’t know how long. And travel is magic. So my main point is I need more travel, less leggings. I’m gonna keep going.
p.s. Want the itinerary? Message me …