Receive, Savor, Release/ Beauty Happens

I’ve been studying with Josh Schrei for a bit now, and he’s been talking about the vessel, literal vessels, sacred  vessels, and the vessel that is the body.  My body.  And by extension, I guess, my being.  And a healthy useful vessel has the ability to receive, to hold and simmer,  cook, and then pour forth what’s created.

And it was posited that in our culture a lot of focus is on the receiving and the pouring it out there parts, and less on the steeping, stewing, pausing, savoring, ripening parts.

So, with vessel consciousness, I tried to extend the hold phase on  a few things, including this actual blog. It came at a good time too because I’ve become so aware that saying less can be so much more, so much more often, than I generally allow.

Which is kinda tough when a big outlet for all that humanity I’m bursting with is saying stuff and writing stuff.  Tough, but I gave it a whirl, this holding and simmering thing, the letting it cook.  Cook.  Cook.


And so far, it’s feeling … tense.  Antsy. Not in a good way, in an itchy way, in an urgent, Things Must Change way.  Off the page, on the page.  Burning.  Everywhere.

And I’ve felt this before. And I have not made big changes.  I have made small adjustments, lowered the heat, stayed the course, exhaled, released, inhaled again, done my life with commitment to how it is, to how I am, how my people are, and beauty has happened.

It’s happened over and over again.

And so, maybe my healthy hold is shorter than another person’s healthy hold, or maybe I was holding enough, or maybe, maybe, oh wow, maybe I learned something from trying something different.  I remembered something that needed to be remembered: Bloom happens, and wilt, and bloom again.  Without me gaming the system much at all, breathing naturally, in and out, living peacefully, one foot in front of the other.  I’m gonna keep going.

Sascha Liebowitz