I’ll Do It Her Way
The G-ddess wants what she wants, how she wants it, when she wants it, and so do I. Thing is, I’m not the G-oddess. The G-oddess gets it her way — and so do I — if I want what she wants, all the time, every time. And what she wants is what is. How do I know? Because it Is. That. Way. It’s that way, they are that way, this situation is that way and I am this way and it’s all how she wants it and her will will be done.
So I can let go or be dragged, surrender to the is-ness of everything and everyone including myself including you including the Internet which seems to amplify everything to an intolerable volume. And then I realize the Internet is something I seek out. It can’t grab my phone and stick it in my hand. I reach for it. I reach for it and then wonder why I feel how I feel when I know why and I know what the culprit is. Who.
So where’s the easier solution? Get everyone and everything on the Internet to be more how I want it to be more of the time or stop myself from playing with things that don’t bring me into alignment with my inner peace, that reduce my availability for healthy connection with others, service, well-being, that kind of stuff? Hmmm. I’m gonna keep going.