Back to Life
After the outsized response to my last post I had another case of must-improve things-itis, also known as not-good-enough-itis or lack of acceptance of reality. This flare-up went like: “They liked that one, I like being liked, but I don’t like pimping my kid for material (too much), but then again Ax is popular, but then again also maybe posts that “less is more” are popular? Or maybe dialogue is popular? Maybe I should try to be More popular, like, write stuff with intent to get More likes (as opposed to whatever pops into my brain when I happen to sit in a chair). Maybe I should be getting Followers and Friends and Tweet thingies. I could get cute pictures of children or puppies or sexy yoga babes! If I get 5,000 subscribers I can be a Brand Ambassador for stuff I don’t need, but could then get discounts on and encourage other people to buy. I could call myself an “Influencer” instead of a stay at home mom. I could be “launching a movement for an Education and Training Empire!!!”And what would I be educating and training about? Stress management, relationship management, maybe parenting management, self-management, mood-management … like, how not to be a grouchy grouch grouch grouch in my head or to others …. Teach what you need to learn, right?”
Or maybe just not, none of that. Maybe I can return to center, feet on the ground, and appreciate that I get to do this writing thing for fun and for free and for me — how I want to, when I want to, just for kicks, and yes for the Likes which feel good as a bonus, and not so good when they become the focus.
I’m gonna keep going.
P.S. If you own a black leggings company send me some and I’ll be your brand ambassador :))