Brownie’s “Intention-Setting”

I’m Brownie!  So far I am having only an ok 2022.  The main thing is brother and mother leave in the morning and don’t take me.  That is new and I don’t like that.

Where are they going? Why would they leave me? Yesterday they left me without breakfast and I thought they had left me to starve starve starve.  Fortunately there was a nice tasty toilet paper roll available to snack on.  I really love how it shreds up and makes a beautiful festive confetti all over.  

Mom gets so excited to see the art I make with it when I chew.  I am an artist. Self-expression is essential to my well-being!

So, what I’m saying is that my 2022 intention is to have the serenity to accept these people as they are, I know they are trying their best.  Also the courage to change the things I can — ie: I am going to bark and shred toilet paper and express myself fully to get the feeding and snuggling I need — and the wisdom to know the difference.  I hear mommy saying that wisdom part at night.  I think it means finding where the treats are and going there instead of other places.

So that’s me.  I still like treats.  I still like belly rubs.  I still like naps.  My intention is to get all those things in 2022 — may you as well.  Love, Brownie

PS. Note from Sascha: One day we did school drop off before feeding Brownie, at her regular time.  Now she gets breakfast, then comes to school drop off.  Everyone’s morning routine is adjusting, we’re gonna keep going.  

Sascha Liebowitz