Psst: The Door is Open

I’ve been chewing on this nugget someone gave me, don’t remember who, and it’s something like: “If I’m in a prison and the door is open I don’t need to know how I got there to get out.”  I love this one because I love making my life and my relationships more enjoyable as quickly and as easily as possible in the moment, like in real-time.

So I’ve gotten pretty good at A) noticing when I’m feeling sub-optimal and then B) identifying what thoughts are generating those feelings and then C) becoming willing to imagine what it might feel like to not think those thoughts and then D) getting creative and brave enough to think, do, or say what I would if I didn’t think those thoughts that make me feel sub-optimal, and then E) feel grateful and fabulous.  And that process used to take like hours and years of debate and dissection and skepticism and analysis and acting out and therapy and now it takes like, under 60 seconds from A-D, most of the time.  

And like my friend Jule said, it would be super-cool to be able to transmit that skillset to other people so that they didn’t have to go through the years and the drama and the being crappier than I wanted to be to people I loved along the way because I felt crappy. I’m not sure it works that way, but I’m not sure it doesn’t either, so there ya go.  The door’s open, we get to leave when we want to.  I’m gonna keep going.

Sascha Liebowitz