Clarity Lake
For me clarity comes when I take a moment to slow down, way down, maybe. Even. Stop.
Inhale. Exhale. Not like check the box style done&done, but like tender caress of a newborn fluffy, or a velvet soft something, I can receive my own inhale exhale like a long loving kiss through all the cells of my body, in and out.
I can choose to slow down enough to feel how it feels to feel good to be here. Now. Alive. Breathing. In. Out. Repeat. Take a seat on the banks of clarity lake and see through closed eyes the sunlight moonlight disco ball reflections on the water, hear the frogs and crickets and wildlife and my own breath mingled with the sounds of whatever else, smell the green aliveness growing, take the breath in and revel in the enough-ness of right now.
And then, and then, when it’s time to turn to the stuff, the other stuff, the dishes, the bills, the personalities, the people being how they are and me being how I am, and even my own thoughts about how this or that could or should be different, including myself, all of it becomes much more like scenery going past the window of my very own cozy compartment on my very own lovely ride.
What must get done will get done. That’s been proven, because I’m still here. Whatever I’ve done or not done I’m alive, I’m doing my best, and it’s enough. Clarity lake. I get to choose where I place my energy and which mental muscles I want to exercise and strengthen today. I’m gonna keep going.