What Does the Sunrise Know?
I wonder if the sunrise knows there’s a global pandemic? I wonder if it knows and it decided to rise today anyway, or despite, or maybe even because of it?
Like maybe it knew I needed it to rise today and so it rose for me, because I was feeling a little out of sorts not knowing, again not knowing today what I’d be doing or not doing tomorrow or later this week, depending on these numbers and those factors and all kinds of considerations I never thought I’d be considering and aren’t really completely knowable anyway, or at least — aren’t decisive, or rather, aren’t determinative. Dispositive.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to think when I hear the numbers and phrases that seep into the living room from the door of my husband’s garage office. 9 million people traveling from Southern California to New York the same day, vertical infection rate increase, 92% ICU occupancy in such and such place ….
So maybe the sun knows or it doesn’t know or it knows and doesn’t care — not in an unfeeling or unsympathetic way, but in a “I’ve got my thing to do, everything else is unfolding and it’s none of my business” way. Like, “Ok, humans, you do you. I’ll do me: Here’s the sunrise.”
I’m gonna keep going.