Mission: Breakfast

Here’s what I know: That if I eat breakfast before 10am, I’m going to be better able to meet whatever the day brings with that centered sense of calm and ease than if I don’t eat breakfast before 10am.  I’m not saying it’s a guarantee that I will be in that state — but it for sure increases the odds.  

Another way of looking at it is that if I DON’T eat properly before 10, I’m going to be working at a brain/mood disadvantage all day.  Wind in my face city.

Another benefit to eating  breakfast for me is that I don’t feel that impulse to “chase satiety” later in the day with more comfort foods, which doesn’t work anyway.  Once I’ve gotten over-hungry or low blood sugar or whatever that state of depletion is, it’s pretty impossible to come all the way back to okay-feeling.  

After talking with a few friends I found out that a) I’m not alone in noticing this phenomenon, and b) Other folks also struggle with eating a timely breakfast every day even though we know it’s  key to feeling good.

So I could go on another meditation retreat, hike some distant mountain, buy new sheets, or go get another graduate degree to feel better.  

That said, daily breakfast, one day at a time, is something way simpler, less expensive, more accessible, and probably more effective to add to my self-care/personal development regime.  And if I mess up one day, get back on the horse again the next day.  

So I’m jacking my daily, committing to the stuff I already know works for me, not piling on.  Not beating myself, helping myself.  Breakfast first, everything else, after that.  I’m gonna keep going.


Sascha Liebowitz