Love = Physical Distance + Social Connection
I could be a carrier, so could you. Unless you’ve been home alone for more than two weeks with no one and nothing coming in and out you just don’t know. You don’t.
If you’ve been hanging with anyone who’s been on a plane, or at a conference, or a concert, or a crowded restaurant, or some other
big gather in the last two weeks, or if you’ve been hanging with someone who’s been hanging with someone who’s done those things, add a few points.
It’s like that 80’s shampoo commercial — they told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on. And then the whole screen fills up with babe-o-licious babes with long silky hair who are all infected with a love of this shampoo.
But the thing we’re spreading now makes us sick, sometimes deathly sick.
I’m not thinking globally. I’m thinking about my parents and my friends who think they’re still young and hearty even though technically they are in their 60’s, 70’s, and even older. Even though they’re really careful about catching colds at regular flu season but seem to not totally get it that this is worse, way worse. Skip the hairdresser worse. And that lunch date. Go virtual. Have a phone date.
I’m interrupting my commitment to avoid current events and avoid advice-giving on this platform because, well, this is different. I’m gonna tell two friends: If you can stay away from people, stay away from people. And wash your hands. It’s the most loving thing we can do for ourselves and for them. I’m gonna keep going.