Just Stay Home
There is, for me, a strong desire to get together with people in real life. But, there is a stronger desire that’s clicked in, which is the desire to survive and the desire to not harm others.
It’s a good shot that either you or I am carrying the virus. So, nothing personal, but let’s postpone our gather til after this passes.
A really smart friend of mine said, “It’s as if we’re all having an orgy and some, or most, of us have the worst clap ever, without knowing it. How game do you feel then?”
Not very game, my friend. Not game at all. If I stay home without physical contact with others for 14 days and don’t have symptoms then I’m pretty sure I’m not infecting folks. And physical contact means like, sharing space within 6 feet of someone, which is way further than my usual personal space zone.
So I’m just saying no. I’m not in a high-risk group but my mom is. Some of my yoga friends are. My kid isn’t but his friends’ grandparents are. That person behind me at the grocery store is. And I may be. And I don’t want to get this thing. And I don’t want to give it to you.
So, sorry not sorry. I’m out. But phone lines are open. Way open. And sending virtual good vibes to all. I’m gonna keep going.