Done Done, Again/ Room for Improvement
Done done! Done with thinking and behaving in ways that don’t help me feel good. Like yesterday my tummy was upset so I ate a bowl of potato chips. Like on Thanksgiving I had an idea of how it was supposed to be that my hubby wasn’t into and I forced it through.
What am I trying to accomplish? What is the point of any of this living? A lot of wisdom traditions say it’s to serve/enjoy some kind of spiritual something and to help others. To contribute to the party of existence in my own way.
I’m less inclined to do that, to enjoy, to contribute, to flow, if I’m eating stuff that makes me feel worse or doing stuff that makes me feel worse or paying attention to people and situations that make me feel worse.
So today. Today. The second night of Hanukkah the Festival of Lights, I’m going to enjoy the light, allow the light, notice what I do to block the light, even if well intentioned, and just stop. Stop doing unhelpful stuff, allow more helpful stuff.
And, oh yeah, forgive myself when I fall short, forgive others when they fall short. We are all feeling it and all doing our best, whatever that looks like. I am feeling it and doing my best. There’s room for improvement. I’m gonna keep going.