Healing is Happening
I’ve been not posting my writing again because I don’t like what I have to say. I want to be inspiring and joyful, full of gratitude and this-too-shall pass-ness and fun stories of Ax and Cleo the cat and I just can’t get there because I STILL HURT.
Dangit. And I feel like a loser and a downer and a whiner and a malingerer and all these things I don’t want to be. And I’m on it. It’s not like I’m not doing stuff. I’m doing stuff. The exercises. The release this muscle and activate this muscle. The avoiding sitting and standing. The mortifying “wiggling” when standing or sitting is unavoidable.
I hate all of it. The ice, the heat, the ibuprofen. I just want to feel better, now. Be all better, now. So that’s my truth and I’ve been waiting to feel better and be better so I could blog nice, happy, serene stuff but it’s been a while and truthfully I do feel better, much much better, than I did.
So there is progress. One option, I could focus on the progress not on the not being where I want to be. Yes. It’s a slow-go, slower than I’d like, less linear than I’d like, less certain than I’d like. But healing is happening, and I like that. It’s happening. I’m gonna keep going.