Day 4: Add Banana
So my back is on the mend. I’m being really really good thanks to Mike, my mom, some super-helpful friends, and the physical therapist who explained to me that doing things that hurt will prolong the healing process. In other words, hurting myself hurts myself.
I never really thought about it that way in my overarching desire/modus operandi of keeping going.
I tend to forget there needs to be a caveat to the keep going mindset which is — change it up!!! Even STOP!
If I’m in pain or not enjoying something then duh I should change it up, meaning I should not keep going the same way expecting different results. Wisdom.
So I’m on some meds for the back that have the potential for unwanted digestive side effects. So yesterday, to counteract that I made myself a big spinach, blueberry, banana, and flaxseed smoothie, with water and soy milk. And it tasted great and did its job.
Today I made the exact same smoothie — or so I thought — but it tasted terrible. Really bad. “What the eff?” I thought as I tasted it. What’s wrong with this smoothie? But I was drinking it anyway. Even though it tasted lousy, it had its purpose and was, supposedly, healthy.
Well, just then Mike came into the bedroom to ask if I needed anything and I said yes, water, because my lunch smoothie tasted awful so I needed a water chaser.
And that’s when I spontaneously remembered that I’d forgotten the banana. Mike took my terrible smoothie, and re-blended it for me with banana, and brought it back. And it was tasty!
I still can’t sit in a chair or car without pretty bad pain, but I can enjoy a delicious smoothie saved by my beloved, who thinks life is too short to drink gross smoothies or to push through pain unnecessarily.
I’m convinced. Rest, ice, banana, flaxseed. I’m gonna keep going, and change it up as needed.