All In — Today’s the Day
Today’s the day I let go of feeling sub-optimal about what I do, have, and am. And feel grateful I get to do what I do, have what I have, and be who I am. I do enough. I have enough. I am enough.
I don’t look like Kendall Jenner, or even Khloe. My house isn’t full-time-staff show-home spotless. And I don’t speak a lot of languages, earn a lot of money, or help as many people as I’d like to help. I look like a 40-something mom who dresses for comfort and is prepared for spontaneous wrestling with our child. Our house has a pile of laundry or dishes or both, as well as evidence of building, play, and some kind of creativity paused, at all times.
And my life, these days, is about being present and available for my family and my community. Which also means taking care of myself, doing the exercise, the therapy, the diet, the social time, the downtime that I need to stay in good spirits.
It’s a humbling thing, and a luxury at the same time, this stay-at-home-mom life. The not outsourcing the daily care and feeding of my child. This making of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, every day. Day after day. And all the other stuff too. The emotional, intellectual, and spiritual support. The kindly asking him to wipe the pee off the floor from where he’s missed the toilet, day after day. And then wiping the parts he’s missed without shaming or complaint. “Please try to do better next time.”
I’m his person. He thinks I’m perfect. And I think he is too. I’m all in. I’m gonna keep going.