Hello Other Me

There’s this place beyond the taskmaster judge where I get to hang out some times and just feel good being me, in this life, as it is, as I am.  In those moments I’m not thinking about the dry rot on the edge of the roof I have to find someone to fix or the crazy crazy ER bill our insurance seems not to cover or the plastic in the oceans and the land that I’m eating through my food or the fact that Ax is level 5 in math and Lola is level 7 or maybe even level 8 now or that I have so many wonderful ideas for so many wonderful wonderful books that Just. Aren’t. Being. Written. Today. 

In those moments those Evie the evil-inner-critic-free moments, I’m thinking, I haven’t killed anyone today, my kid is alive, and we’re gonna make the mortgage payment on time.  Not bad.  

And then sometimes, sometimes, I catch myself not really thinking at all.  And it’s even better. Breathing in a body, here, for one minute. Maybe set the timer, make it three.  I’m gonna keep going.


Sascha Liebowitz