Happy New Year!
Yesterday was Jewish New Year and I observed some traditions. I thought about habits of the past year and whether they served to take me forward into this year. I thought about what I could change to make me a better person and the world a better place — what can I do to be more useful to others? Which always, for me, must start with how can I take better care of myself?
I committed to engaging in certain practices more consistently — less TV, less phone, more lego, more home cooking, more meditation, more early bedtimes — which make such a big difference to my wellbeing over time, and to that of my family and others.
And I got out Shefali Tsabary’s the Awakened Family, which is kind of like another bible for me, and I read a couple of pages I’d read before, and I felt grateful.
I’m not alone on this journey. I am surrounded by friends I know and friends I don’t know who are all looking for the same things — whether they know it or not, whether they show it or not — love, community, connection, kindness.
When I go softly into this world, the world gets softer.
I’m gonna keep going.