Shake It Off Group Dance
No one in Ax’s kindergarten class wanted to perform in the school variety show. I knew for a fact that Ax and a number of his friends were born performers though, so I could not figure it out. Some of us parents got to talking and thought maybe it would be cool for them to do one big group number all together. We floated the concept to the kids, and they liked it.
One of the moms, a dancer, volunteered to choreograph and work with the kids to learn their two-minute dance. The kids worked at it and the performance was a big success.
I said to Ax after the show, “Do you remember how you originally said you did not want to do the show, but then you did do it and now you feel so good?”
“No, I don’t remember that,” he said.
I said, “Well that’s how it happened. You didn’t want to do it, you said you weren’t going to do it, but then you did do it anyway.”
“Oh,” he said.
“Aren’t you glad you decided to give it a whirl?”
So there’s some kind of lesson there but frankly I can’t wrap it up too well right now. I have a cold and have to go back to sleep. It’s 8:30am. I’m gonna keep going.