Day 13: French Fry Healing
Yesterday I ate french fries from the local-to-here burger place. They were very good and I had just one serving and I didn’t even regret it. And I took a nice stroll again in the new neighborhood. It’s okay if I’m eating French fries a bit more than usual. A lot of people are going into more self-destructive behaviors than french fries to try to self-soothe or get through. I’m grateful I’m not them. I’m not gonna lie to you. It’s been a lot. And many of us are rising, resilient, on the mend, making our way back to okay-ness, or rather making our way forward to okay-ness. I went to the women’s rally yesterday while Mike went to meet the gas company and get our gas turned back on. We don’t have safe water at home but we have water, and power, and gas – the big three!
There are still lots of checkpoints in our neighborhood though. There’s an ongoing major disaster type vibe with caravans of big mud-covered trucks going up and down the village main street by our house. And, well, we’re settled where we are. And there are good french fries nearby, and a playground. Whereas our town is still closed.
We want to go home, of course we do. And we will go home. But not today. Today we have a make-your-own-pizza birthday party for one of Ax’s BFF’s that’s been rescheduled three times. We’ll go to that and we’ll sleep in the same beds we slept in last night tonight, here in this rental.
Tomorrow I’ll take Ax to school and then we can discuss what’s best for our family. We may move a family whose situation is worse than ours into our house for a week or two, since we’re okay where we are and they really aren’t. We’re going to be grateful to be able to receive help and love and everything we need, and grateful to be able to give it too. I’m gonna keep going.