Holiday A-where-ness
You probably noticed that it’s holiday season, otherwise known as the darkest time of the year. It’s dark outside and it’s supposed to be merry, merry, merry and bright inside. It’s tough to reconcile what I think the holidays should look like, should feel like, with what they do feel like for me, the reality. The reality for me is that the holidays are tough. For me the holiday season historically comes with a decent-sized dose of heartbreak, of missing one or the other parent, one or the other family.
And it’s been like that since I was very young so I get it, I’m okay, it’s fine and all that. I’m used to it. It’s impossible to be in more than one place at a time and I have more than one place I want to be at the holidays. So you do the math, as they say.
And now I have my own little family, with its own family culture, and my husband’s strong desire to stay home, home, home, in our home, as much as he can. At least I’m pretty sure that’s his preference.
So this year’s survival technique I think is going to be to be grateful I have family I want to be with, be grateful for video and photo and phone, and be grateful there are lots of other times of the year, less hot ticket times of the year, when I do get to see my family.
It’s time to start appreciating the holidays here, in my home, the way they are. It's time to start being where I am, even during holiday season. I’m gonna keep going.