More Fun Less Rules

Ax’s hair makeover inspired me to up my look a bit for Fall. So yesterday I got my hair colored for the first time in probably six months. It wasn’t so bad. A lot of people rock a long dark root and I’d been going so natural/earthy/dark all over that I could kind of get away with my own “dark blond” roots taking over and make it a look. But it wasn’t necessarily a look I wanted and after a summer of sun and pool there were also a decent amount of green undertones happening. Anyway, I got to the salon and I didn’t know if I was going to go lighter or darker, but I knew something had to change. And they made a big change. A bigger change than I am comfortable with today, but perhaps I’ll get used to it.

Mike says I’ve been this blonde before. And I definitely have been this blonde, maybe even blonder. Like, fifteen years ago when we met, and maybe for the fifteen years before that. But I went more natural, to reflect my more earthy priorities after leaving New York and LA, and also quite frankly to save money. Keeping up this kind of blonde is a Thing.

So I had a lot of stories, Evie had a lot of stories, while I sat in the stylist’s chair, many, many stories about why I should not have hair so light. I am too old, too house-poor, too unemployed, too much of an earthy hippy chick, to have platinum-y ice princess hair. But me likey.

I saw an interview with the epic designer Betsy Johnson once and they asked her how in the world she ever figured out to combine big rose patterns with zebra stripes and chartreuse with pink and all her amazing pattern and color and style combinations and she said something to the effect of, “If I like something then I figure it goes with everything else I like.”

So yeah, I’m gonna rock this bombshell girly hair while I harvest my tomatoes and practice my patience, tolerance, kindness, and love all over the place. Namas-effin-stay. Peace.