Slow Savor Sunday
And on Sunday I rested … actually, I slept in. There’s some stuff to be done today, to prepare for the week. And then there’s the week ahead, with stuff, which I could start thinking about now, but don’t want to, so maybe I’ll make a list and then put it aside for tomorrow. Today, there’s today. There’s Mike, there’s Ax, there’s potential pre-mom-birthday mani-pedis, there’s doing what must be done, no more and no less than that. And there’s enjoying what there is to be enjoyed, which could be everything if I line up to it that way.
There’s breathing in and out, and repeating that, with gusto, feeling grateful for my life, grateful for my breath, grateful that I can let my shoulders drop one more inch and my face drop one more inch and my whole being drop one more inch before I start this day. Yes. Good morning. Happy Sunday. I’m going to savor it slowly today.