Dear Readers,
I wish I didn’t need to write publicly about myself to be able to feel as good as I do as when I am writing publicly about myself. It’s embarrassing really, this need to be seen and heard, but there it is.
And that just there is why I keep blogging, even though I keep threatening to stop. Because writing to you allows me to see that what part of me thinks is shameful is not really that terrible at all. It just is.
And of course, then the self-justification kowabunga riptide comes in and thinks maybe if I get naked and jump in the pool (as it were), then you will feel freer to get naked and jump in whatever your particular pool is.
And that would be cool. I want that for you.
But here’s another true truth: I might just like being naked in pools, and I jump in for me, not for you. If it inspires you or pleases you in some way, great. If not, oh well. You do you.
Is it more fun to have a gaggle? For me, yes. Absolutely. A band of like-minded fellow travelers enhances any experience.
These days, that might look like one girlfriend giving a thumbs up. Or a group text. Not quite the same as a weeklong house party, but maybe not that different either. “I’m with you! I see you! We are together in this life! Kowabunga!”
I need that reflection, like plants need sun and water. Wishing I were more self-sufficient or independent (ie: different from how I am) won’t make it so. I’m gonna keep going.
P.S. I really could stop this blog at any time so if you’d like to receive future posts please subscribe.
P.P.S. I’ve received feedback that less kitten content is desired by some. As I evolve post-divorce I am finding safety in kitten updates … more will be revealed.
P.P.P.S. The kittens are bonkers and have become jumping spider type beings. I am officially a cat lady.