Walk Dog, Carry Water, Get Help
It’s confirmed: Got more blood tests and yup, I am biochemically designed to feel edgy, pissed off, low energy, and miserable more often than not. It’s so not fair — I’ve been doing all the things to feel not those ways and yet, it’s been a daily uphill swim, and getting steeper not easier over time.
That’s not how it’s supposed to work. In my world, practice is supposed to make perfect. The challenge is it’s not my world. I don’t get out what I put in. I get what I get and then I get to respond to it how I choose.
So I’m giving myself credit for, not giving up exactly, but being willing to shift and discover another opportunity to shore up the leaks in this vessel. And then take action to feel better more of the time. It cost some money. It cost some time. It cost some humility. I’m grateful I have some of that to spend, have allocated those resources in this way.
So, eat right, exercise, meditate, live clean, feed the Goddess, and also, for me, supplement my kooky-low levels of iron, vitamin D, magnesium, and progesterone, throw in a probiotic because biome, and see if that steep daily hill levels out.
I suspect walking the dog and carrying water will feel better when my physical self has more of what’s appropriate for it. More will be revealed. Yay Science. I’m gonna keep going.