List for Life
It’s day two of following a revolutionary new system that’s going to radically improve everything forever. It’s actually not new. I’ve used this system before, but not exactly this way, or maybe yes, this way, but not for a long time.
Anyway, it feels new and it’s day 2 and I’m having excellent results already so I might sign up for a class to teach me how to teach it, or teach me how to teach others how to teach it, or maybe develop a product. Yeah, a product.
But for now I’ll just tell you and share this miracle thing that’s working for me: It’s a list!!! Yesterday I made a list of things I had to do and I checked them off as I did them. It was amazing. Today I have made another list of things.
Many of the things are repeaters, the daily things, so I considered NOT adding them to the list. But then I added them, and I’ve enjoyed checking them off.
Like before 9am I’d already accomplished my morning meeting, breakfast, and taking Ax to school. And I realize that the doing of these daily things, and the how I do them, is the main event, the substance of my inner and outer life. So today, lists. I’m gonna keep going.