Brownie’s Shadow Work
I caught our puppy Brownie standing completely still and staring at the floor the other day. She was mesmerized, focused, unmoving.
“Brownie,” I called, in my high-pitched lovie voice I use for her, “are you staring at your shadow, girl?”
She turned to me and started doing her full body wiggle waggle. For Brownie, all attention directed at her is a gift. She loves to chat about big ideas.
“Yes mom, I was watching that dark floor dog.”
“Sweet one, that floor dog is you!”
“Yes my love.”
“It’s okay, just look down and you’ll see it again, and you’ll know.”
“I don’t want to, may I have a treat?” Wag, wag, wag, cute fluffy face stare.
“Yes, you may my good girl.”
“Thanks mom, this is the best day ever.”
“Yes it is my love.”
I’m gonna keep going.