Dance Life/The Deal
One thing I’ve learned is that when I go to one extreme - in my thoughts, feelings, actions, energy, the other extreme tends to rise up. This way of existence kept me in a cycle of drama, torment, unease, excitement — sometimes exhilarating (“fun”) sometimes devastating (“not fun”).
For a while it seemed like a decent hack was to maximize the fun and minimize the not fun. I did my very best but the result was, ultimately, much less fun. In other words seeking more fun (less pain) resulted in less fun (more pin), for me, and for other people in my life.
Today I’m guided by a different kind of ambition that keeps me away from the sharp edges. It reminds me to show up for myself and for others as if I were a supportive, loving collaborator in this unfolding. I get to dance with life rather than be thrashed around by it.
And when I misstep, I avoid snowballing one way or the other. I get up, gently, and reset, resume, continue. No big deal. I mean, a big deal. I mean, the deal. I’m gonna keep going.
Ps. SB Peeps: come dance tonight - wed 12/10 5pm chase palm park