Less Shitty More of the Time
One thing I’ve learned is that my mindbody has a few different modes. Life is better when I remember to A) consciously choose which mode I want to be in and then B) do what it takes to get into that mode — over and over and over again.
Sometimes just noticing I’m in an un-preferred mode and mentally changing the channel works. Like, “Universe please help me feel grateful for my life as it is today!” with a snap or clap. Sometimes thinking of a fluffy duck.
Sometimes going into service mode, looking for a small way to be useful to someone else, is a quick-fix — ask the store clerk how her day is going, make my hubby a cup of tea, call that person, compliment someone. Sometimes it takes more than that. A hot bath usually helps.
There are so many books and podcasts and workshops and courses these days peddling recipes for mental health or stress management or personal growth or whatever you want to call it.
I call it feeling less shitty more of the time so I can show up for life less shitty more of the time. And my experience is it’s doable. I’m gonna keep going.