Now This / Zesty Back

I’m bringing zesty back.  Also gusto, joie de vivre, lifeforce, qi (chee), vitality, verve, buoyancy, connectedness, aliveness, all that kinda stuff.  AND I get to use this big brain of mine to figure out how to do that WHILE, at the same time, maintaining our family’s relatively strict pandemic protocols.  

See what happened was, for me, when the s-it hit the fan a year and a half ago we locked it down and kept it tight.  I went into survival mode - my life goals became basically not dying/staying alive and not getting suicidally depressed, and helping my family do same.  

And then there was that too-good-to-be-true moment where the CDC made a calculated decision to tell all us vaxxed peeps it’s cool to unmask and be free and in that 1-month, 2-month window from then til now I had this almost blissful relief of “Ok, I’m not afraid of dying, I’m not afraid my breath is gonna kill my unvaccinated kid, and I’m going to lunch outside with my vaccinated girlfriends and I’m going to in-the-park yoga.”  And those things were totally life-affirming and reinvigorating.

And now, here at least, there’s new info.  Delta breakthroughs, vaccinated people transmitting to each other and to the unvaxxed.  Numbers up, way up. 

And I was like, “I can’t do another year of this!!! What the freaking freakity freak freak!!!  Sheeeeeesh!!!!” (Only more profane).  

And Mike was like, “Listen, there has been progress. Last year at this time we were scared of dying of covid. Now we’re vaxxed and the likelihood of our dying or needing the ICU if we get it is very, very, low, and that’s a real benefit to being vaccinated.”

“Okay,” I said.  “True. But jeez what, now, with an unvaxxed kid we’re just totally locked down again?”

“Well, no more than we have been.  Don’t share air.  Stay outside, visit with as few people as possible at a time, and if you have to go inside for something always be masked.”

“Right. I can do that,” I said.  I mean, I’ve been doing that, that was our more-open-yet-safe protocol anyway, but the mental story of being “locked down” “again” was darkening my mood big time.  

I get to do outside visits, I get to do park yoga. And I get to think about, yes, if there is going to be another perhaps year of this, or more, I no longer am in survival/emergency conditions mode.  I’m in “this is my life and I’m gonna live it” mode, with our new/old/current way of keeping ourselves and our community safe.  Staying alive and healthy physically and emotionally is still the goal, but the bar is higher.  I get to thrive in this time, this is the time I have, this is what we’re doing now.  I’m gonna keep going.

p.s. I will be participating in a weeklong online yoga/cleanse starting Sept. 11, a good day to honor our aliveness and remember those we’ve lost.  Below is the link to join me and one of my longtime favorite teachers.  I recently did a similar workshop with Siddhi and strongly recommend it if you’re feeling in need of a re-boot, clean slate, deep healing/clearing.

Sascha Liebowitz