Tending My Sweetness Bubble

I’m floating in a sweetness bubble today and it’s about time.  Mindful breathing - meaning paying attention to the rate of my breath, in and out, is a big help.  Four in, four out, or three.  Some folks think the out breath should be longer than the in, whatever, I prefer not to get too picky.  When I focus on my breath it takes my mind off other things, which for me is the point.  It also helps oxygenate stuff which apparently science science science says de-stresses everything.  I feel that.

Tending where I steer my thoughts, gently moving them back to where I know they can learn to rest, and doing the practical things I can to keep my brain fit enough to move that way, that’s my first job.  Without that, everything else is so much harder and less pleasant, and it affects the people with whom I interact — a lot.

Keeping mind/body/soul fit has  always been my first job and now, now more than ever, when it would be so easy to let the facts of the external world push my center off course, down into that nasty green pukey sad scared angry place, now it’s more important than ever to take care of my first job first. 

I’m doubling down on the things I’ve been taught to do to keep physically, mentally, and emotionally fit.  They work when I do them.  Like yesterday I was sad and then I took a big rest, skipped the usual workout, and ate a whole lot of noodles.  And today I feel better!  Today, the opposite is what’s indicated: Get up and at ‘em, get done what needs doing, move around a lot, eat clean.  Because that’s what feels good for me today.

And then always the quiet sitting helps, could be meditating, could be reading my spiritual-y daily readers, could be making a gratitude list, just whatever it is, being quiet for some dedicated time in the morning.  And of course, helping others in some small way or another.  Getting out of selfishness and self-worry is key.  That’s the recipe.  When I follow it, I get to live in the sweetness bubble.  When I don’t, I don’t.  I’m gonna keep going. 



Sascha Liebowitz