Good Morning Recipe
So I went to this online gather where folks were talking about staying sane and healthy through all this, which seems to be a common topic these days. And I noticed that the people who seemed to be authentically okay all had a morning routine that went something like:
A) I wake up early before anyone else is up so I can have some time to myself.
B) I get my coffee/tea/matcha oatmilk latte and sit in my comfy chair
C) I have inspirational type books and I read something from them for a few minutes
D) Then I sit quietly and meditate/pray/gaze out the window/ zone out while drinking my drink/pay attention to the sound of my breath and sounds of early morning etc etc.
And then and only then do they start their day. Some folks seem to have long morning rituals, some do all this in relatively abbreviated fashion. But that’s the morning recipe.
When I follow it I can be more useful to myself and others throughout the day because I’m coming from a positive starting point. I’m gonna keep going.