Day 22: Brownie Sleeps!
Hallelujah. The miracle of incremental progress otherwise known as tolerance of ongoing repeated failure has perhaps been proved once again by our 11-week-old puppy Brownie who is becoming a crate sleeping rockstar bit by bit.
After 21 nights of waking up 3, 4, sometimes 6 times in the night to let her out of the crate, take her outside on a leash, encourage her to do her business, give a treat, lead her back in the crate, give another treat, then soothe with coos and allowing my foot to hang down by the crate while she whined herself back to sleep, last night she awoke only once!
AND the night before. One 3am potty, one slightly earlier than preferred morning wake up. I’ll take it!!!
I don’t want to pronounce bladder or crate anxiety victory too soon, or seem boastful about my own dog training prowess, but I think any data person can agree that two nights in a row is a definite trend in the right direction.
Ok just kidding. Two nights doesn’t mean all that much in terms of predicting the future. BUT I still get to be happy today. Five consecutive hours of sleep helps. Two nights in a row.
It’s amazing. Our girl is really getting the swing of it all. She is a gorgeous genius. As are we all. Sometimes it just takes some continuing on through the mishaps, mistakes, accidents and downright failures for our inner greatness to be revealed. Someone reminded me of the saying, “All failures happen right before the success.” I’m gonna keep going.